Saturday 6 April 2013

Trip to N. Ambrym #4

Heading back to Craig Cove on March 23rd to catch the plane back to Port Vila on March 24th.
We travelled with chickens and pigs in the boat.
Our hosts at Sam's Bungalows, who made up beds and cooked meals for us without any notice.
Our team enjoying a meal at Sam's Bungalows again on our departure from Ambrym Island.
L. to R.  Markus Widup, Tony Liliord, our host, Corney, Esther, and Bill Widup
Back in Port Vila again, waiting for our ride.
Translation team that we went to assist on N. Ambrym Island
L. to R. Houghton Richards, Addy, Gretchen Richards, Laura Thulesen (Gretchen's sister),
 Gwen and Jesiah Richards

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