Saturday 30 March 2013

Village trip to N. Ambrym #1

Corney at domestic terminal, waiting to leave
Airstrip at Craig Cove on Ambrym Island
Small terminal at Craig Cove where we spent all day, March 11th, waiting for 3 more gentlemen from Santo Island to come and join us for work on the buiding project.  Thankfully, there was an outhouse on site.
Since the plane with the other 3 gentlemen arrived too late in the day for us to go in the boat to get the village, we had to walk through the jungle for a short distance to Sam's Bungalows where we would spend the night.
Our accomodation for the night.  We were well taken care of with a bed with a mosquito net and food was also provided for the evening meal and breakfast the following morning.
Getting the boat ready to put in the water and leave for the village, Tuesday, March 12th.
Out on the water for 2.5 hours, it was not particularly calm that morning
We arrived safely on the black, sandy shore
Working hard to pull the boat right up onto shore, away from the crashing waves
Beautiful Pacific Ocean, thankful to be on solid ground again!

Friday 8 March 2013

Church Picnic and Baptism at Honeymoon Beach

Carl cooking chicken on the UFO (Universal Food Oven).
It is a barbecue, a steamer, a smoker, and an oven, how's that for efficiency!!
It can steam up to 13 kgs. of chicken wings at one time.
Cooking sausages on a grill over an open fire,
not quite as pricey as the UFO
Pastor Steve Gibb of the Vanuatu International Christian Church
Three baptismal candidates
L. to R. Cassia with her father, Leigh
Sarah with Pastor Steve
Centre back, Esther relaxing and fanning the baby
Our neighbours, Joshua with his Grandpa

Vanuatu Work Pictures

Esther in the office
Esther in the library
Corney building kitchen cabinets
Corney in the workshop
Corney with his employees, Edwin and Loui
Corney and Loui
Dehydrating mince for one of the translation teams,
they do not have refrigeration in the village so once it is dehydrated it keeps for a long time and they can rehydrate as needed.

Summit Gardens

Corney and Esther at Summit Gardens
Title given to this was "Missionary Hot Pot"
We managed to leave just in time since they were looking for new candidates!
Pizza for our lunch was cooked in this outdoor oven

Beautiful flowers at Summit Gardens
Beautiful ocean views