Saturday 29 December 2012

Harbour boats

During the holidays the container ships need to wait in the harbour until the port is open again.
This particular private yacht is under lockdown by the port authorities until certain obligations are met.  It apparently came into country without the proper paperwork but it looks like a nice boat!

Christmas Day 2012

Our family for Christmas Day in Vanuatu
Christmas Day was celebrated with 6 other families who are here with Wycliffe doing Bible translation.  One of the families was blessed with being able to house sit for one month
at this beautiful location right on the ocean.
Twins for the day
Gretchen Richards and I happened to be dressed similarily for our Christmas Day celebration.

Saturday 22 December 2012

Tis' the Season

Vanuatu International Christian Church where we attend on Sunday mornings.  The church and the buildings surrounding it belong to a Bible school that is owned by the Assemblies of God.
Singing Christmas carols in front of a local store.  It hardly seemed appropriate to sing Christmas carols in the tropics but the festive spirit was in the air as the local people joined in, particularly when the carols were sung in the trade language, Bislama.

Saturday 15 December 2012

Trip to Pang Pang

We went to visit Pastor Barney, wife Alice, and son Howard with Ray and Glenda Leach, also before they left for Australia.  It was very nice to meet them, they were very friendly and hospitable.  We had to drive about 50 kms. to get there, partway around the island.

Alice had cooked a delicious meal for all of us.  It was cooked over hot stones.  The vegetables were wrapped in big green leaves and then steamed over the hot rocks.  There was sweet potato and pumpkin that had been cooked in coconut milk.  Here is Glenda and Alice taking the food out and ready to be served.

Hideway Island trip

We went on a fibreglass boat with a glass bottom to Hideaway Island.  It is a small island that has a resort and restaurant so we took this little excursion with Ray and Glenda Leach (the couple that we are replacing) before they left for Australia.

Hideway Island
On the island

Esther pictured with Ray and Glenda Leach, waiting for our menus to be delivered.

More pictures of our home in Vanuatu

Esther eating breakfast in the cage, actually the verandah, which has metal bars because it is the bottom floor.  It does have a great view of the ocean inlet and the beautiful scenery.

Our view from the verandah
Same view on a rainy day

Saturday 8 December 2012

Saturday 1 December 2012

Down Under

December 1, 2012

We arrived in Vanuatu on November 25, 2012.  We have been here almost a week now and we feel that our world has been turned upside down!  We'll update on our activities shortly.